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When Jesus was baptized, God spoke. He said “This is my beloved Son. In Him I am well pleased.” God’s HOLY SPIRIT descended upon Jesus like a dove.
Soon after, God’s Holy Spirit led Jesus to a wilderness place. Jesus was alone.
Jesus fasted for forty days. That means He did not eat any food. He became very hungry.
The Bible says that wild beasts were also there.
Satan came to tempt Jesus. Long ago, he had tempted Adam and Eve to disobey God in the Garden of Eden. Now Jesus would be tested.
Satan could try to temp even God’s Son, Jesus.
“If You are God’s Son,” the devil said, “turn these rocks into bread.” He knew Jesus was hungry. He knew God’s Son could turn stones to bread. Would Jesus obey the devil?
No! Jesus did not obey the devil. Instead, He answered from God’s Word. “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.”
Then Satan led Jesus into the great city of Jerusalem, to the holy temple where people worshiped God. What would the devil do next?
“If You are God’s Son, throw yourself down,” the devil said. “His Word says His angels will save You.”
“No!” Jesus replied. “It is also written… ‘You shall not put the LORD your God to the test.'”
The devil tried again. He took Jesus out of the city to a very high mountain peak.
Showing Jesus all the glory of every earthly kingdom, the devil said, “I will give it all to You, if You will fall down and worship me.”
“Get behind me, Satan!” Jesus commanded. “It is written… ‘You shall worship the LORD your God and Him only shall you serve,'”
The devil left Jesus for a while. Then something wonderful happened. God sent angels to comfort and care for Jesus His Son – Who did not obey the devil.