English Hymnal
O, How I Love Jesus
Hymn #248 Glory and Praise
Praise Him! Praise Him!
Hymn #249 Glory and Praise
He Lives
Hymn #251 Glory and Praise
Come, Let Us Sing
Hymn #252 Glory and Praise
I Cannot Tell Why
Hymn #255 Glory and Praise
Ye Servants of God
Hymn #256 Glory and Praise
Come Down, O Love Divine
Hymn #257 Holy Spirit
Baptize Us Anew
Hymn #258 Holy Spirit
Hover O’er Me, Holy Spirit
Hymn #260 Holy Spirit
Sweet, Sweet Spirit
Hymn #262 Holy Spirit
Breathe on Me, Breath of God
Hymn #265 Holy Spirit
Spirit of God
Hymn #266 Holy Spirit
Spirit Divine
Hymn #267 Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit, Light Divine
Hymn #268 Holy Spirit
Come, Holy Spirit
Hymn #269 Holy Spirit
O Holy Dove of God Descending
Hymn #270 Holy Spirit
Give Me the Bible
Hymn #272 Holy Scripture
O Word of God Incarnate
Hymn #274 Holy Scripture
O God of Light
Hymn #275 Holy Scripture
Thanks to God
Hymn #276 Holy Scripture
Only Trust Him
Hymn #279 Invitation
Come, Ye Sinners
Hymn #280 Invitation
I Gave My Life for Thee
Hymn #281 Invitation
I Hear Thy Welcome Voice
Hymn #282 Invitation
O Jesus, Thou Art Standing
Hymn #283 Invitation
For You I Am Praying
Hymn #284 Invitation
Jesus Calls Us
Hymn #285 Invitation
Wonderful Words of Life
Hymn #286 Invitation
Softly and Tenderly
Hymn #287 Invitation
I Am Going to Calvary
Hymn #288 Invitation
The Savior Is Waiting
Hymn #289 Invitation
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
Hymn #290 Invitation
We Have Not Known Thee
Hymn #291 Repentance
Jesus, I Come
Hymn #292 Repentance
Heavenly Father, Bless Us Now
Hymn #293 Repentance
Power in the Blood
Hymn #294 Repentance
Chief of Sinners
Hymn #295 Repentance
Lord, I’m Coming Home
Hymn #296 Repentance
God Be Merciful to Me
Hymn #297 Forgiveness