Hymn - T

Take My Life and Let It Be
Hymn #330 Consecration

Thanks to God
Hymn #276 Holy Scripture

That Glorious Day Is Coming
Hymn #209 Second Advent

The Advent of Our God
Hymn #117 First Advent

The Church Has Waited Long
Hymn #217 Second Advent

The Cleansing Wave
Hymn #332 Baptism

The Day Thou Gavest
Hymn #56 Evening Worship

The First Noel
Hymn #118 Birth

The Glory Song
Hymn #435 Eternal Life

The Homeland
Hymn #436 Eternal Life

The Judgment Has Set
Hymn #416 Judgement

The King Shall Come
Hymn #215 Second Advent

The Lord Is Coming
Hymn #200 Second Advent

The Lord Is My Light
Hymn #515 Faith and Trust

The Lord’s My Shepherd
Hymn #546 Guidance

The Lord’s My Shepherd
Hymn #552 Guidance

The Old Rugged Cross
Hymn #159 Sufferings and Death

The Sacred Anthem
Hymn #386 Sabbath

The Savior Is Waiting
Hymn #289 Invitation

The Son of God Proclaim
Hymn #411 Communion

The Unveiled Christ
Hymn #178 Priesthood

The Wonder of It All
Hymn #75 Love of God

The Wonders of Redeeming Love
Hymn #179 Priesthood

There’ll Be No Dark Valley
Hymn #208 Second Advent

There’ll Be No Sorrow There
Hymn #443 Early Advent

There’s a Song in the Air
Hymn #120 Birth

There’s a Wideness
Hymn #114 Grace and Mercy of God

This Is My Will
Hymn #352 Community in Christ

This Is the Threefold Truth
Hymn #203 Second Advent

This Little Light of Mine
Hymn #580 Loving Service

Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne
Hymn #140 Birth

Thy Broken Body, Gracious Lord
Hymn #410 Communion

Thy Love, O God
Hymn #354 Community in Christ

Together Let Us Sweetly Live
Hymn #451 Early Advent

Tread Softly
Hymn #479 Meditation and Prayer

Trust and Obey
Hymn #590 Obedience

Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
Hymn #290 Invitation