Hymn - B

Balm in Gilead
Hymn #475 Hope and Comfort

Baptize Us Anew
Hymn #258 Holy Spirit

Be Still, My Soul
Hymn #461 Joy and Peace

Be Thou My Vision
Hymn #547 Guidance

Beautiful Zion
Hymn #450 Early Advent

Because He Lives
Hymn #526 Faith and Trust

Beneath the Cross of Jesus
Hymn #303 Consecration

Blest Be the King
Hymn #231 Glory and Praise

Bread of the World
Hymn #398 Communion

Breathe on Me, Breath of God
Hymn #265 Holy Spirit

Built on the Rock
Hymn #347 Community in Christ

By Christ Redeemed
Hymn #402 Communion