Hymn - H

Hail Him the King of Glory
Hymn #202 Second Advent

Happy the Home
Hymn #655 Love in the Home

Hark! the Herald Angels Sing
Hymn #122 Birth

Have Thine Own Way, Lord
Hymn #567 Humility

He Hideth My Soul
Hymn #520 Faith and Trust

He Leadeth Me
Hymn #537 Guidance

He Lives
Hymn #251 Glory and Praise

Heavenly Father, Bless Us Now
Hymn #293 Repentance

Heavenly Father, Hear Our Prayer
Hymn #658 Marriage

Heir of the Kingdom
Hymn #594 Watchfulness

Hiding in Thee
Hymn #525 Faith and Trust

Higher Ground
Hymn #625 Pilgrimage

Hold Fast Till I Come
Hymn #600 Watchfulness

Holy Sabbath Day of Rest
Hymn #381 Sabbath

Holy Spirit, Light Divine
Hymn #268 Holy Spirit

Holy, Holy, Holy
Hymn #661 Sentences and Responses

Hover O’er Me, Holy Spirit
Hymn #260 Holy Spirit

How Far From Home
Hymn #439 Early Advent

How Firm a Foundation
Hymn #509 Faith and Trust

How Sweet Are the Tidings
Hymn #442 Early Advent

How Sweet the Name!
Hymn #238 Glory and Praise