Central to the teachings of Christianity is the commandment to love one’s neighbor as oneself. Ellen G. White, a visionary leader and prolific writer within the Seventh-day Adventist Church, echoed this sentiment in her works. In her book “Steps to Christ,” she emphasizes the transformative power of love, stating, “Love to man is the earthward expression of the love of God.” This sentiment mirrors the teachings of Jesus, who proclaimed in Mark 12:31 (NIV), “The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”
Ellen G. White’s writings consistently highlight the notion that true Christian love encompasses selflessness and compassion. In her book “Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing,” she elaborates on the Sermon on the Mount, where Jesus teaches about love, humility, and mercy. She writes, “Love, like the sunlight, shines even to the lowest depths. The heart that is in harmony with God will possess an unselfish love for every soul.”
The life of Jesus Christ, as exemplified in Ellen G. White’s teachings, serves as the ultimate example of selflessness. From His humble birth in a manger to His sacrificial death on the cross, Jesus consistently demonstrated a selfless nature. In “The Desire of Ages,” Ellen G. White explores the depth of Christ’s love, stating, “Suffering, want, affliction, sympathy, were all His daily portion.”
Ellen G. White’s insights further underscore the dangers of selfishness within the context of Christianity. She emphasizes that selfishness not only damages relationships but also obstructs the Christian’s spiritual journey. In “The Ministry of Healing,” she writes, “The Spirit of Christ is a self-sacrificing spirit. The self-indulgent are not fitted for the kingdom of God.” This aligns with the teachings of 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, which warn against various forms of selfishness and self-centeredness.
Incorporating Ellen G. White’s teachings into our understanding of Christian love deepens the appreciation for selflessness and its pivotal role in living out the faith. Just as Christ’s love knows no bounds, Ellen G. White’s writings remind believers that embracing selflessness and compassion are essential steps toward embodying the essence of Christianity.