
  1. Watch, ye saints, with eyelids waking;
    Lo! The powers of heaven are shaking;
    Keep your lamps all trimmed an burning,
    Ready for your Lord’s returning.

    Lo! He comes, lo! Jesus comes;
    Lo! He come, He comes all glorious!
    Jesus comes to reign victorious,
    Lo! He comes, yes, Jesus comes.

  2. Lo! the promise of your Savior,
    Pardoned sin and purchased favor,
    Blood-washed robes and crowns of glory;
    Haste to tell redemption’s story.
  3. Kingdoms at their base are crumbling,
    Hark! His chariot wheels are rumbling;
    Tell, O tell of grace abounding,
    While the seventh trump is sounding.
  4. Nations wane, though proud and stately;
    Christ His kingdom hasteneth greatly;
    Earth her latest pangs is summing;
    Shout, ye saints, your Lord is coming.
  5. Sinners, come, while Christ is pleading;
    Now for you He’s interceding;
    Haste, ere grace and time diminished
    Shall proclaim the mystery finished.



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