
Scripture: Bathsheba therefore went to King Solomon, to speak to him for Adonijah. And the king rose up to meet her and bowed down to her, and sat down on his throne and had a throne set for the king’s mother; so she sat at his right hand.    (1 Ki 2:19 NKJV)

Observation: Bathsheba, Solomon’s mother, came before the king to speak on behalf of his half-brother Adonijah.  With the respect she deserved, Solomon rose from his throne and not only honored her by having a throne for her, but before all the people watching, the king bowed to the ground before her.

Application: There’s an age, the early teens or even pre-teens, when some children, boys in particular, seem uncomfortable being seen with their parents for fear that their friends may make fun of them.  It’s not that boys are embarrassed of their mom, it’s just that they don’t want to be called “momma’s boy” by their peers.
     I guess I skipped that stage, had friends who didn’t make fun of me, or simply didn’t care, but for me it was a matter of joy and pride to be seen or to be with my parents and live with no regrets because I loved and cared for my mother for the last seven years of her life while she lived with us.  This respect is not only one of God’s commandments, it is their due for the love, care, and sacrifices on our behalf.

A Prayer You May Say: Father, thank You for our loving parents and for the opportunity You give us to show them our love and respect.  May we take advantage of the opportunities You give us to take good, loving care of them.

Used by permission of Adventist Family Ministries, North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.



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