Levi posted an update

When the truth takes hold of your heart, it will work a reformation in the life. ~EGW


Levi posted an update

Since my own sins are enough, I don’t wish to know about Jacob’s sin, Moses’ sin, or David’s sin. I just want to get rid of them..

Levi posted an update

“Worship the One who made the heavens and the earth and the sea and the springs of waters.” (Rev 14:7)

Qs: How?

Ans: By keeping the Sabbath Day holy. (Exodus 20:11)

Levi posted an update

God’s forgiveness is not limited, but our acceptance of His forgiveness is. (Matt 18:21-22). The only known sin that cannot be forgiven is the one for which we don’t repent and ask for forgiveness (1 John 1:9).

Levi posted an update

The one to whom is entrusted one talent is not responsible for five, or for two, but for one. ~EGW

Levi posted an update

Those who profess great faith, but yet have not works, will not be saved by their faith. ~EGW


Levi posted an update

He (God) proves those who profess to love Him by placing means in their hands, and then tries them to see if they love the gift better than the giver. God will reveal, in time, the true feelings of the heart. ~EGW

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