Southern Asia-Pacific Division

The official website of the Southern Asia-Pacific Division of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists


Communication Advisory reckons the value of brand architecture to establish Adventist branding structure in Southern Asia-Pacific

Photo courtesy to SSD Communication Department

The Southern Asia-Pacific Division holds its first Communication advisory after two years in lockdown. Communication leaders from all 13 unions, including world church leaders from the General Conference and Hope Channel International, convened to see opportunities of expanding the Adventist brand and utilize its effectiveness to evangelize and send the message across to people who wanted to know Jesus.

The advisory took place a day before the Adventist World Radio Advisory in Bangkok, Thailand, beginning on July 19 until the 24th. Associate Communication director of the Adventist World Church, Sam Neves, tackled the topic of branding structure providing leaders with strategies and examples on how to contextualize this medium in their respective ministries. 

“The inevitable result of a poor branding architecture is the establishment of silos. Each brand must know how its unique contribution will complete the full strategy. This is a new process for the General Conference, which has already begun to impact our regional counterparts,” Sam Neves said, Associate Communication Director for the Communication Department in the General Conference.

The Adventist church’s brand architecture focuses on the strategic positioning of the church and how it sends its contents out to different media. This enables the church to organize and structure a strategical framework to build on our identity to be delivered to a targeted audience.

“The brand of our church is a representation of the Bible message presented in different ministries,” said Mamerto Guingguing II, Communication director in the Southern Asia-Pacific Division. “Building on our brand establishes trust, presence, and consistency, which will help us create, innovate, and establish relationships with communities around the world,” Guingguing added.

Joe Sloan, Director of International Development for Hope Channel International, explains the collaboration of existing church ministries and having these contents available for broadcast consumption. Hope Channel aims to bridge the bible message through different strategical contents to cater to the niches where the community is interested. 

“Planning is crucial in developing content and ideas for broadcast. Our goal is to create content that provides options to viewers, a better choice that revolves its message around the Bible,” Joe Sloan said.

Edward Rodriguez, SSD Communication Department

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